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Leadership Insights

As the CEO of Awesome Journey, I am learning how detrimental negative self-talk is to a company’s culture and growth. Last week I found myself slipping into my negative self-talk

Great leaders teach and great teachers lead. As a CEO and Executive Leadership Coach I have learned that there are 3 key roles that every great leader plays: Steward: Clarifying

This week I asked myself, “Do I truly understand what real support means to me?” After coaching thousands of executives, I can say that many leaders have a blind spot

My Learning from this week: “Letting Go to Let Come!” Over the past few months I have been receiving a lot of feedback from many people about my Leadership Blog.

Great Leaders are disruptors of the “Status Quo”. They are disciplined at listening to emerging futures and bringing those ideas to the present. Great disruptive leaders recognize trends that will

Great leaders are clear about what they CARE about. Whether it’s building a high-performance culture, building solid partnerships or expanding their business, they are crystal clear on it. Once they

After 20 years of working with and supporting C-Suite Leaders, my team and I have come to recognize that one of the most distinctive qualities of high functioning C-Suite Leaders

Powerful leaders are aware of their influence and utilize this influence to affect positive social change. I grew up in Port Perry, Ontario with a person who is using his

One of the qualities that separates great leaders from good leaders is their commitment to being a True Professional. What is a True Professional? Does it only revolve around a

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