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Leadership Insights

We tend to confuse power with force. Force makes things happen or makes people do what we want but force drains your energy and provides temporary fixes. Power offers clarity about and alignment of our purposes. With power, the right things get done with ease and provides sustainability. There is no force in power.

Being an effective leader transcends mere authority; it demands a deep comprehension of the ripple effect one's presence & impact has on team dynamics.

This month we are focusing on building a Leadership Culture in the workplace and how it impacts the overall results of your organization.

This month we are focusing on the power of feedback to improve individual performance, to surface our relationship to feedback, and to identify potential barriers that hold us back from using feedback to be a more effective leader.

This month we are focusing on the power of feedback to improve individual performance, to surface our relationship to feedback, and to identify potential barriers that hold us back from using feedback to be a more effective leader.

What can you do to become aware of your Leadership Blind Spots?

Back in 2018, we wrote a short paper called Are You Stuck (5 min read), looking at self-awareness and how it impedes your ability to be in action. This is more prevalent today as demands for performance and results are at an all-time high, requiring more recovery. This month we want to look at leading others that are stuck.

Here are three themes from the Q4 of 2023 that are showing up consistently in our conversations with the Executive Leaders we support.

Strategic thinking is a critical process in which individuals or organizations analyze their current situations, set long-term goals, and develop plans to achieve them.

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