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Year in Review & Seasons Greetings
December 13, 2022

As 2022 nears completion, we invite you to focus on acknowledging all the wins you achieved in the past year…

Why it Matters

Acknowledging wins allows you to:

1. Show progress and measure where you are at

2. See patterns and trends in your business

3. Remember what challenges you overcame

4. Assess what needs to be addressed to support future success

5. Reward those who stepped up by acknowledging their efforts

Leadership Strategy

Plan a “Year in Review” team meeting to come together and acknowledge/review accomplishments for 2022. So often the norm is for teams and companies to jump to the next thing (i.e.: executing on next year’s plan) without reviewing what happened, and what you already have. Additionally, without review, you are not taking advantage of the learnings to support a leadership mindset and generate future success.

Leadership Challenge

For the “Year in Review” team meeting, request that each team member bring a minimum of 10 accomplishments they feel deserve to be acknowledged. 2-3 acknowledgments are easy but 10 will require a deeper look which can include smaller things that ended up having a huge impact on the business.

Seasons Greetings

The Awesome Journey Team would like to wish you a wonderful holiday season and thank you for having us as part of your transformation in 2022.

At Awesome Journey, we are deeply committed to creating a powerful future together in our communities. In lieu of gifts, the AJ Team has made donations in support of the Calgary Food Bank & the Eva Sophia Project.

Also, check out our 2023 Book List for the leaders in your life. Have a happy and restful holiday season leader!


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